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on October 14, 2008 at 4:50:57 am


MediaCampLondon  - Dec 13 2008





~The Innovative Interface Between Academia and Industry ~ 




  1. Games / web development / animation
  2. Social Media / Communication / PR / Advertising / Business
  3. Educational Technology / teachers /



An innovative un-conference digging on games, web development, 3D animation, communications, PR, business, educational technology, teaching, advertising, blogging, branding, new and social media for anyone wishing to get involved.



What is MediaCampLondon? -  It's an UnConference with a strong educational flavour for advertisers, agencies, start-ups, PR agencies, game developers, ad agencies, constultants, bloggers, podcasts, recruiters, webTV, and new media professionals & amateurs for one day to share, explore, challenge, and grow our abilities in new media. Learn about audio and video podcasting, blogging, web marketing, photography, email campaigns, Second Life, Twitter, and all kinds of other new and social media tools. Whether you're a veteran or interested in getting started, MediaCamp is for YOU.




  • Provide a forum for the networking of colleagues and peers who have dedicated their careers to new-media, with a goal of representing a large and diverse community of interests and experience.

  • Facilitate information exchange on issues that relate to creative business, technology embracing, advertising, new-media skills training and industry related education.

  • Provide a platform for: industry events, seminars, web 2.0 information exchange, web-based information outlets and professional special interest groups dedicated to specific skills and areas of expertise.





Saturday 13 December 08


Running between 9am and 5pm for the sessions


6:00pm to 8pm Happy Hour in pub close by, then into the West End for fun and frolics





Venue: SAE Institute, 297 Kingsland Road, London E8 4DD


SAE Institute is the largest worldwide private college for Audio Engineering, Creative Media and Digital Film training. SAE provides practical training courses, as well as academic degree programmes. This is the national homepage for SAE Institute in the UK.



Facilities for sessions 


FREE WIFI! - bring your tool box.


Created by YOU!


One of the strengths of a Social Media Mafia MediaCamp is that YOU are the experts. Bring what you know about the above topics and share your knowledge. Learn, grow, make new relationships, and discover the fun of an unconference.



Cost: FREE! Did we mention this is free? No money whatsoever, (sort your own food and drink out, very close to town)



How to get started:


  • Register for free - MediaCampLondon is free to attend!
  • Sponsor - help make the event happen and get involved in the new media space
  • Run a Session - anyone is free to participate. Sign up for a session now
  • Promote - tell friends, colleagues, and associates about MediaCampLondon


MediaCampLondon Guidebook



Organizers/Assistance Wanted


  • Chris Hambly chambly AT gmail.com
  • Eaon Pritchard - co-conspirator pritchard.creative at gmail dot com
  • Caron-Jane (CJ) Lyon - cj AT pcmcreative.co.uk
  • Jason Jarrett - jason at thejarretts.com
  • Nigel Clarke - Charity Officer


Resources - tag all media with "MediaCampLondon"









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